Social and Economic Technology - 0.2. Contents
1. Contents
1.2. What is Secotek Technically?
2. Description for the non technical worker.
2.1. How should you be able to apply for a job?
2.2. Starting a Job using Secotek
2.3. Working with the Technology
3. Description for the Parent
3.1. A new form of Distance learning for children.
3.2. A Child in School using Secotek.
4. Promotional Descriptions.
4.1. Why is technology not offering jobs in rural Areas?
4.2. What in Secotek is new about Distance Learning?
4.3. Why is it that the concept of Secotek does not already exist?
4.4. Broadband, or any other 'latest' Technology is not required.
4.5. How much should Secotek cost the user?
5. Social Impacts.
5.1. Rural Village Life? What is that?
5.2. Rural Mobility - What does it mean today?
5.3. Secotek and Distance learning for children.
5.4. A New Relationship between the Computer, The User, and the Software.
5.5 Just How difficult is it to work a computer?
5.6. Can Technology really replace Physical Presence?
6. What needs to be done?
6.1. With what types of Work could Secotek help?
6.2. Technology is needed in the countryside if it is to economically survive.
6.3. Secotek would enable rural economies to WORK.
7. Technical Aspects.
7.1. Is Secotek feasible and Practical?
7.2. The Desktop software used by Secotek.
7.3. Present Technology Fails the Rural Countryside.
7.4. Open Source is there to be adapted.
7.5. The IT infrastructure for Secotek.
7.6. Reliable, flexible, Stable, yet Affordable Software for the Rural User - A dream?
8. What needs to be done?
8.1 The Solution to the Rural Economy and Village Culture.
8.3. Why Secotek needs Public Funding.
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